How thumbnail apply to the key, BD

Discuss some stuff about Key, BD, ANT on Wednesday with Felix.

Key : extreme poes of the action
BD: between the key
ANT : the action before the main action, usually is the opposite direction of the main action

Look through the thumbnail the animator draw, and see how it apply to the real animation.
here I'm looking at how to make a suitable thumbnail and ready to use on the key.

K1 - definitely is a key, it a beginning of the performance
ANT - the prepare action of head up to K2
K2 - head up to extreme
BD - middle of the K2, 3
K3 - final extreme

K1 - beginning position
K2 - extreme location of the rolling forward
K3 - extreme of the wood hitting up and Goofy extreme of the get hitten
DB - middle of the K3, 4
K4 - the extreme pose of fall down (it might have an ANT before going to K5)
K5 - going up ending pose

On Wednesday also talk to Coco, and she shares this awesome demo from Andreas Deja.
It is about the processing of thumbnailing your animation.

The step is :

- Do the performance (acting yourself)
(maybe it will have so many item of action but it is the same performance you like, choose one and thumbnailing)
- Thumbnailing the extreme or the important pose of the performance
- Transform to the key and see is it smooth or not


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